We understand small and mid-sized businesses
For more than 25 years, SEIBERT has been one of the leading proactive consulting firms in the field of management, financial, and tax consulting for national and international SMEs and mid-sized companies. Our location in the “digital city” of Darmstadt, in the middle of the Rhine-Main financial metropolis, makes us a long-term and reliable partner. Client testimonials confirm our specialist expertise for IT and technology companies. We provide strategic support to entrepreneurs and companies in all phases of life and business, from start-up to exit or succession. As a digital consulting firm, we will, of course, introduce the necessary processes for the digitization of your accounting system.

Renewed award as a digital tax consultant
Digitization is not just a promise for us, it is lived reality. For the fifth time in a row, SEIBERT has received the "Digital DATEV-Kanzlei" seal. Since 2019, the software provider DATEV eG has awarded the abbreviation and ties the award to new criteria every year. The award shows that our law firm not only works digitally in a first-class manner, but also keeps pace with the rapid digital development every year. Our customers in particular benefit from this.

Multidisciplinary Support
SEIBERT has an excellent national and international network of fellow consultants, auditors, lawyers, notaries, banks, and other experts. This enables us to offer multidisciplinary consulting in all areas of business, even beyond the borders of Germany. In addition to our professional know-how and personal relationships, our clients appreciate our initiative and entrepreneurial thinking. Commitment, professionalism, reliability and close client relations are the hallmarks of our service.